[none] default invocation: check and setup everything except calibration.
-c also do self-calibration of NI4462: takes up to 3 minutes
-z minimise dewar power: skip the filterwheel position setting (which can power the dewar for 60 seconds and heat it).
-Z don't even check the filterwheel position (saves about 1 second of LED power).
-h show this help
-d debug: show verbose messages
-n noquit on first error: perform all the checks; suppress dialog boxes. (but still exit 1 at end).
* Clock Mode: Ext
* Filter Wheel: Open
* PulseBlaster Initial: 0x8000
* Delay Line Time: 50us
* Illumination: LEDs: 0, Torch: 1.
* Hawaii Quiescent expect: 4300 - 4700 mV, Noise < 50 uV
* Hawaii Active expect: < 2800 mV, Noise < 50 uV
* Hawaii voltage offset: 375 mV (differential measurement, wrt VRst/2)
This does the following things:
* Check hardware is present and active (PulseBlaster,NI4462,Arduino,FTDI245)
* Check network: cable, NTP time synchronisation, communication
* Set delay line time to: 50us
* Reset the NI4462, clear any running tasks
* Self-calibrate the NI4462 (if -c)
* Configure clock source to Ext
* Initialise (unset) the optional PulseBlaster remote serial trigger, if present
* Update the 7474 D-flipflop on the NI4462's HW_Trigger input
* Stop the PulseBlaster; initialise the output state to 0x8000
* Check battery voltage is not flat
* Set the filterwheel position to filter Open (unless -z)
* Read out the filterwheel position, check aligned (only powers dewar for 500 ms)
* Read the temperature of the Hawaii sensor.
* Turn on the lamp board (the optional serial-port illumination control), if present
* Turn off the dewar; disable loopback.
* Measure the quiescent voltages and noise on each channel of the ni4462.
* Checks that the Hawaii is connected, and that quiescent bias and noise levels are sensible ( (Hawaii source-follower disabled)
* Quick test Hawaii chip: out of reset, clock to (0,0), connect source-follower, check voltage.
* Print summary: input voltages, filter position, temperature, battery level.
On success: exit 0. On error, beep, show GUI dialog, exit 1.