Section: User Commands (1)
Updated: July 2012
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hawaiisim - Simulate IR Camera hardware
Hawaiisim simulates the physical hardware (the Hawaii chip, the optics, and the ADC), so as to verify the PulseBlaster programs, and to test the toolchain.
Hawaiisim simulates the Rockwell Hawaii_25 chip and the NI4462 ADC converter hardware,
using a PulseBlaster replay log (.pbsim) file. The simulation file contains the sequence of
control-data timings written to the virtual hawaii. The resulting output data is a series
of analog readings taken from the virtual hawaii chip, clocked by the pbsim file, and exposed
to light/glow/noise at a certain rate. Hawaiisim also carefully verifies that all clock
pulses are legal (eg no counter overflows, min-lengths satisfied, no read during reset, no
adc with read disabled etc). The particular wiring of the Hawaii chip is #define'd to
correspond to the physical wiring in the dewar. Copyright Richard Neill, 2011-2013, GPL3+.
This is useful for several purposes:
- Validation of pulseblaster programs.
- Checking which pixels are read/reset (address, count, sequence).
- Checking whether the program is mains-synchronous.
- Simulating image generation for analysis.
The real hardware uses an NI4462 ADC, which begins acquisition of many samples when triggered by ADC.
It's more helpful to simulate a FAKEADC which does exactly ONE conversion, on every falling-edge of
the FAKEADC bit. Multiple-reads must be explicit in the replaylog.
hawaiisim -i frame-reset-read.pbsim -o tmp.cam -e glow -L 0.5 -r noise;
cam2tiff tmp.cam tmp.tiff; display tmp.tiff
This replays a full-frame pattern, simulates the exposure, and draws the image.
See: /usr/local/share/doc/hawaiisim/ for example files.
USAGE: hawaiisim [options] -i LOGFILE.pbsim -o OUTPUT.dat
-h, --help Show help
-i INFILE.pbsim Input File. (required, except with -t)
-o OUTFILE.dat Output File (otherwise, infile, renamed with .dat) Or /dev/null.
-t Test mode. Ignore infile; output a full-array image in .cam format.
Reset for 1.50 us, expose for 7500.00 ms, do ADC for 1310.72 ms.
-d Debugging on (very verbose).
-c Continue on error, don't exit immediately. (Eventually, exit 1).
-q Quieter: don't print pixel addresses for reads/resets (also faster).
-x Allow overwrite of existing output file (also, don't enforce file-extensions).
-a ADC_MODE ADC simulation model: ideal | noise | hum
ideal [default] ADC reads perfectly.
noise Each ADC read has thermal noise, mean 400.00 electrons.
hum [best] Thermal noise (400.00 e) and 50.00 Hz mains hum (500.00 electrons).
-r RESET_MODE Reset model: zero | const | noise | expon
zero [default] Reset is perfect, to exactly zero.
const Reset is perfect, to level 1000 electrons.
noise Reset to constant 1000 with thermal kTC noise 250.00 electrons.
expon [best] Cells decay exponentially towards level 1000, with
time-constant 0.50 us and thermal noise 250.00 electrons.
-e EXPOSURE_MODE Exposure model: debug | uniform | glow | debug:file | linear:file | image:file
debug Pixels are set to own address (quad:row:col) + noise in lsb.
uniform [default] Uniform, linear exposure at 1.60 electrons/us. No noise.
glow Linear (1.60 e/us), with glow and background (0.01 + 0.02 e/us).
debug:FILE Pixels are set to the exact value from FILE (no integration).
linear:FILE Linear exposure, pixels from FILE. White pixels are 1.60 e/us.
image:FILE [best] Exposure from file (1.60 e/us) with glow, background (0.01 + 0.02 e/us).
To create a correctly formatted image FILE.tiff, use gencamtest/cam2tiff.
CONFIGURATION OPTIONS: (changes to the default values)
-A ADC_R_NOISE Set ADC read (resistor) noise std-deviation. Default: 400.00 electrons.
-H HAWAII_C_NOISE Set Hawaii thermal (capacitor-reset) noise. Default: 250.00 electrons.
-R RESET_LEVEL Set Hawaii reset level. Default 1000 electrons.
-T RESET_TIME_CONST Set Hawaii reset time-constant (for -r expon). Default: 0.50 us.
-G GLOW_LEVEL Set Hawaii source-follower glow level (shot-noise). Default 0.01 e/us.
-B BACKGROUND_LEVEL Set Hawaii background 'glow' level (shot-noise). Default 0.02 e/us.
-L LIGHT_LEVEL Set illumination level (shot-noise mean). Default 1.60 e/us.
-I IMAGE_LEVEL Set image level for a white pixel. (shot-noise). Default 1.60 e/us.
-E TEST_EXPOSURE_LEN Set exposure length in test (-t) mode. Default 7500000.00 us.
-F TEST_RESET_LEN Set reset length in test (-t) mode. Default 1.50 us.
-V MAINS_HUM_LEVEL Set mains hum amplitude. Default: 500.00 electrons.
-W MAINS_HUM_FREQ Set mains hum frequency. Default: 50.00 Hz.
Each array pixel is considered to be a uint_24, the same as the ADC output. We use integer
values, and work in electrons (rather than photons) for convenience. The ADC is configured
such that 1 ADC_level = 1 electron = 1 unit. Adding light increases the value. Conversion
of float -> int is dithered, so summing exposures over short intervals integrates correctly.
Pixel voltages are int_32, so can temporarily exceed the range (eg reset + negative noise).
RESET causes the pixels in that row to decay exponentially (with a very short time-constant)
towards the level at which they are biased. Thermal capacitor-reset noise 'HAWAII_C_NOISE'.
is added. (The physics model can be changed with -r, and the parameters by -R/-T; the best
'real-world' model is '-r expon').
ADC reads obtain the pixel value, with thermal (resistor) noise 'ADC_R_NOISE'. Multiple
reads reduce the noise by SQRT(n). The mains-hum noise has amplitude 'MAINS_HUM_LEVEL', and
frequency 'MAINS_HUM_FREQ'. The ADC is constrained to the range [0,0xffffff]; values outside this
will clip. (The physics model can be changed with -a, and the parameter by -A; the best
'real-world' model is '-a hum'). Also, the 'FakeADC is an ideal, virtual ADC that makes a single
conversion exactly when triggered, the real-world ADC has all sorts of 'quirks' including a
variable delay for triggering, and convolution between adjacent (multiplexed) samples.
ILLUMINATION/Exposure to light exposes the array to a certain number of photons (electrons)
proportional to the brightness and the time. These arrive according to the shot-noise model.
The array may be illuminated uniformly, or the illumination pattern specified by a TIFF.
Glow noise and Background noise (shot-noise) are added; glow depends on the output-follower
There is NO thermal noise added by illumination: an isolated capacitor cannot spontaneously
alter its charge; also the total of such noise would depend on the mathematical exposure
interval, dt ! (The physics model can be changed with -e, and the parameters by -G/-L/-I;
the best 'real-world' model is '-e glow' or '-e tiff:file').
Noise is modelled as thermal noise or shot noise or mains hum.
* THERMAL NOISE is Gaussian, mean=0, and is used for ADC_R_NOISE and HAWAII_C_NOISE.
Capacitance-reset noise is incurred by Reset; thermal resistance noise by ADC conversion.
* SHOT NOISE is Poisson, always > 0, and is used to model incoming light for exposure: i.e.
GLOW_LEVEL (zero, unless the output-follower is read-enabled), BACKGROUND_LEVEL, and
LIGHT_LEVEL / IMAGE_LEVEL. This smooths-out over long (or sum of short) exposures.
For Resistor and Capacitor noise models: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnson–Nyquist_noise .
* MAINS HUM is ideal: MAINS_HUM_LEVEL * cos(2*PI*MAINS_HUM_FREQ). Harmonics and spikes not
included. Ideally small, given tri-axial cable and battery-powered earth-loop avoidance.
IMPERFECTIONS in the model:
* In the model, pixels reset to zero, and fill towards 0xffffff. In the real device, reset
charges the FPA and photons discharge each cell towards zero.
* The ADC range is defined as [0,0xffffff]; it maps exactly to full-scale without headroom.
* Glow is uniform, but the Hawaii's Glow originates from the source followers in the corners.
This is the 'wiring' between the Hawaii array and the individual bits of the PulseBlaster,
#define'd to match the circuit in the dewar. Only the lowest 24 bits are used. Some lines
are commoned across quadrants: (READ,RESETB,LSYNC,FSYNC).
--- --------- -----------
0 PIXEL 0 These clock the horizontal (x,column,fast) register on
1 PIXEL 1 either edge; even-numbered(**) columns are selected after a
2 PIXEL 2 positive edge; odd colums after a negative edge.
3 PIXEL 3 [Must be low when LSync is low.]
4 LINE 0 These clock the vertical (y,row,slow) register on either
5 LINE 1 edge; even-numbered rows(**) are selected after a positive
6 LINE 2 edge; odd rows after a negative edge.
7 LINE 3 [Must be low when LSync is low.]
8 READ all Active high enables output follower; low minimises glow.
12 RESETB all Active low to reset the currently selected rows.
13 LSYNC all Active low to reset the column register on all quadrants.
14 FSYNC all Active low to reset the row register on all quadrants.
15 ADC Trigger the real NI4462 ADC on a falling edge.
23 FAKEADC Trigger the FAKEADC to take one sample on a falling edge.
Pulse length requirements are configured as:
* Any line: minimum pulse (either phase): 100 ns
* Reset line: minimum pulse: 500 ns
* ADC line: minimum pulse: 50 ns
* Fake_ADC: minimum pulse: 2500 ns
* Fake_ADC: setup/hold times: 5000/2500 ns
* Fake_ADC: minimum interval for retrigger: 2500 ns
(**) Note: the Hawaii docs count from 1..512; we count 0..511.
The Quadrant/Pixel/Raster orientation in the Hawaii documentation; also in `cam2tiff -h`.
Quadrants 0,1,2,3 are BR,BL,TL,TR. Quadrant origin is bottom left: x moves right; y up.
* ROW = y (or c) = slow-direction, controlled by LINE / FSYNC. (RESETB is whole row).
* COLUMN = x (or r) = fast-direction, controlled by PIXEL / LSYNC
Row is more significant than column, hence co-ordinates are listed as (y,x).
The input TIFF file (used by -e tiff:file) is a standard 1024 x 1024 32 bit greyscale image.
Similarly to cam2tiff, it is 'the right way up', (even though X11's conventions have the
origin top-left, with y downwards.). The LSByte of the TIFF is ignored; the 3 MSB control
the output (such that 0xffffff or white is worth 1.60 e/us.)
Each ADC read results in a stream of 4 words (intel le_32 byte-order) for Q0,Q1,Q2,Q3.
If the entire array is raster-scanned once (eg -t), the result will be a valid .cam file.
Otherwise, the output will be a stream of 16-byte groups: use the .dat extension for the output.
The Hawaii chip has 512 rows/columns per quadrant, addressed as 0...511. After reset (LSync/FSync),
before the first clock-edge (Pixel/Line), no pixel is connected to the output. Clocking beyond
the end is technically ok, but more than one off the end (512) is considered an error. Likwise,
reading from a disconnected row/column (off the end, or not at the beginning) triggers an error.
* The simulated ADC data is written to outfile. This is in the .cam format (use cam2dat to convert).
* The pixel addresses of reads/resets are sent to STDOUT (unless -q).
* Errors (and debugging info, if -d) go to STDERR.
0 on success, 1 on error.
The author of hawaiisim and this manual page is Richard Neill, <hawaii#AT(spamblock)#richardneill.org>
Copyright July 2012; this is Free Software (GPL v3+), see the source for copying conditions.
This document was created by
using the manual pages.
Time: 16:19:14 GMT, November 19, 2013